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When temperatures drop and hit new lows during the cold, winter months, it's hard not to crank the heat up. That means increased energy bills each month, no matter if you rely on gas, electric, or ano ...

Any living creature will die if deprived of sleep for long enough. The longest documented occurrence of a person not fully sleeping and surviving is only 11 days. There is a rare disease where deep sl ...

Running out of any shower necessity is just a temporary annoyance, but it always seems worse when it's an empty can of shaving cream or gel. Sure, you could dry shave or use whatever liquid toiletry i ...

Whether you drive a new or used car, discovering a new dent, scratch, or scuff mark can send you into a frustration spiral. While there are many DIY ways to deal with dents, scratches and scuff marks ...

I'm Cameron Helm, I've been doing film for about 3 years now, but i've been DIY-ing my whole life. I'm here to show you my tips and tricks that i've learned along the way to help achieve the same resu ...

Keep StillIf you are a soda drinker, you know soda can slowly remove the enamel on your teeth, so why not use a straw? But with all the carbonation in the drink the straw is always moving around. Turn ...

Tying a Knot Without Using Your FingerHave a bunch of balloons you have to blow up and tie for a birthday party, or some sort of event? You now don't have to worry about having a sore finger! Grab an ...

Keeping It FreshIt's time to feed the pup pup! We all know dogs will just keep eating if you let them. So, as a responsible owner you will only give them enough to satisfy them. What to do with the re ...

Like a LockThis is a useful hack when it comes to going on a trip. You should always be aware of your surroundings especially places that are new to you. Pickpockets can be around when you least expec ...

Chopsticks ExpertDo chopsticks feel awkward for you to hold? Now with a simple use of a toothpick and a rubber band, you can become the chopsticks expert! Unwrap your chopsticks, grab a rubber band, a ...