Camping is wonderful isn't it? You get to go out into the wild, build a fire, pitch a tent, and tell ghost stories. My favorite part about camping isn't any of those things, though. No, the best part about camping in my opinion is the food. Whether it be planking freshly caught fish, roasting hot dogs, melting s'mores, or cooking hobo dinners, the food is always the most memorable part of camping to me because you get to eat stuff outside of the norm.
Unfortunately, camping food still needs to be seasoned, just like any other food. Regular size spice shakers are far too large and clunky to pack away in a backpack for just a few days worth of camping, though. So, what is a camping enthusiast to do?
Never fear! I will show you how to make a perfect camping-size spice shaker to pack along with you wherever you should choose to brave the wilderness.
- Pill-a-day organizer
- Drill
- 7/64 inch drill bit
- Spices
- Parchment paper
Wash Pill Organizer
Wash your pill organizer out and close all the little flaps.

Attach Drill Bit
Attach your drill bit to your drill. The lids on these pill organizers are surprisingly thick, so be sure to adjust the torque on your drill higher than normal.

Drill Holes
Drill three holes in the first compartment lid.

Drill three holes in each of the lids of the remaining compartments.

Clean Out Shavings
Open each compartment and wash out any bits of plastic that reside inside.

Add Spices
Add the spices that you think you will use most, one to each compartment. I find a blend of salt, cinnamon, dried herbs, red pepper, cayenne pepper, season salt, and pepper to be particularly suited to camping. Be sure to take note of where you put each spice to avoid confusion.

Measure Parchment
Measure out a strip of parchment paper that is a little wider than than the width of your pill organizer.

Divide Parchment in Two
Fold your strip of parchment paper in half and rip it into two equal sized peoples.

Place Parchment
Place the two pieces of parchment paper beneath the lids of each compartment and clip them shut. Your camping shaker is now complete!

When you want to use the spice on either end, simply open the lids, slide the paper down, and clip the lids back on.

When you want to use one of the five spices in the middle, simply open all the lids, slide the papers apart to isolate whichever spice you wish to use, and click the lids back shut,

You are now finished! What would you use to make a camping size spice shaker? Sound off below.
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