Let's face it—if you care about anyone around you, then you brush your teeth. Brushing is an excellent way to not only prevent tooth decay, but to keep people from running away from you with their nos ...
What's better in the summer than playing around in the water? Lounging in the pool, water balloon fights, and playing in the sprinklers helps us forget how much it sucks to be outside in 100+ degree w ...
Do you have two dollars and a water bottle? Then you can put together this simple but awesome solar-powered lantern that will provide more than enough light to read by at night. To begin, you'll need ...
Check out this awesome tutorial that shows you how to make a light up Iron Man repulsor beam in the comfort of your home! Image Credit ggpht.comImage Credit blogspot.com ...
Sometimes you need a basket for carrying things. I get it. It's important. What if you don't have a basket and you're in a bind?! The solution is simple! Make one out of paper of course. Check out thi ...
Small containers are useful for many things. They're good for storing snacks if you have children, as well as holding coins or odds and ends. But those regular store-bought containers are lame—who wan ...
Check out this awesome tutorial that shows you how to make a useful bookend using recycled materials. I think this is cool because you could even disguise the VHS tape to look like a book. Image Credi ...
Summer is here, and temperatures are rising. Instead of shelling out for an expensive new air conditioning unit, why not build one yourself with a few bucks worth of old computer parts? There's a numb ...
Check this cool tutorial that show you how to make a sweet Storm Trooper helmet out of junk! It's cheap and very fun to make! Let's hope that after you make it, you actually are able to hit stuff you ...